General Nodes

The nodes that are accessed via the General pane allow you to perform a range of essential functions, like adding data flows and models to the master flow, running SQL queries against the database, calling REST APIs, and more.

  • DataFlow: add a data flow node to reference a data flow. Add the node, then name it, them open the Data Flow tab to configure it. You can add multiple data flow nodes, with each node connected to a different data flow.
  • SQLScript: use this node to write a SQL script. Depending on your requirements, this may or may not be connected to another node. Add the SQL Script node and name it. Next, select the database and data model that you want to query using the script, then write your script.
  • You have the option to use the results as variables.
  • DataModel: use this node to reference a data model.
  • SetVariable: this node is used to connect to a variable. Add the node and name it, then select the variable from the Properties panel and write an expression in the Expression Editor.
  • RestAPIs: use this node to call an API. Add the node and name it. Next, select the API method from the drop-down list. Then paste the REST API URL or write an expression in the Expression Editor.
  • PyramidEvent: this node enables you to schedule an existing publication or data model. With the node selected, find the required publication or model in the content tree; once its selected, you can choose to run its existing schedule, or configure a new schedule.
  • CommandLineSupport: enables you to call and execute external code and applications. You can use this node to run any cmd commands that exists on the Pyramid server.